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The Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) is based at the Computer Science School at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). It ranks eighth among the two hundred research groups from UPM and it is widely recognised in Europe in the areas of Ontology Engineering, Semantic Infrastructure, Linked Data, and Data Integration. Our main research areas are: Ontological Engineering, (Social) Semantic Web and Linked Data, Natural Language, Semantic e-Science and the Future Internet.

The most relevant achievements obtained by the group are:

  1. Methontology (now deprecated) and the NeOn Methodology, a scenario-based methodology for developing ontology networks that provided guidance on all the key aspects of the ontology engineering process, including collaborative ontology development, the reuse of ontological and non-ontological resources, and the evolution and maintenance of networked ontologies;
  2. OOPS!, a web-based evaluation tool for ontologies;
  3. Morph, a family of tools that exploit the W3C recommendation R2RML to allow accessing legacy relational databases, data streams and Google Fusion Tables using SPARQL or data streaming extensions of it;
  4. Marimba, a tool to transform library records in MARC 21 format to Linked Data;
  5. geometry2rdf and map4rdf, tools for the transformation of geographical information to Linked Data and its exploitation through faceted browsing;
  6. SPARQL-DQP a system that optimizes federated SPARQL queries; and
  7. Sem4Tags, a multilingual tool that given an input tag in English or Spanish and a context generates as a result a DBpedia resource representing the tag meaning

Finally, the group has developed applications in a wide range of domains, including knowledge management, software Application Lifecycle Management, e-commerce, job and funding search, geo-localisation, R&D project management, etc.

Special mention deserves Linked Data applications in partnership with the National Geographic Institute of Spain (GeolinkedData), the Spanish National Library (, Prisa Digital (El Viajero) and Fundeu (Terminesp). In addition, OEG maintains the Spanish chapter of DBpedia, and has participated and is currently participating in many standardization activities at the W3C such as the Linked Data Platform specification, PROV-O provenance ontology, Sensor Network Ontology, Ontolex model for ontology-lexica, Best practices for Multilingual Linked Open Data. We have also participated in ISO/TC 37 Committee activities within the SC 4 and in the ISO/TC 37/TCG /Terminology Coordination Group.

In the picture below, you have an overview of the most relevant information about the group. You can download it in PDF format using the following link.

poster oeg

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News in press

El diario El Mundo se hace eco del proyecto DRUGS4COVID

Intentamos “beber” de todas las publicaciones científicas para facilitar la búsqueda de información

Hay que colaborar, no competir. La Ciencia está relacionada con la colaboración. Entrevista a Oscar Corcho

#DRUGS4COVID, un proyecto para procesar, clasificar, validar y publicar la literatura científica sobre COVID-19

Asunción Gómez Pérez recibe el Premio Know Square a la Trayectoria Divulgativa Ejemplar 2018

El proyecto, desarrollado por el Grupo de Ingeniería Ontológica de la UPM, galardonado por el Consejo de Cooperación Bibliotecaria

Asunción Goméz Perez ingresa en la European Academy of Sciences

La UPM trae por primera vez a España el Open Summer Code 2018

Un proyecto europeo de innovación facilitará que las pymes sorteen las barreras lingüísticas y legales

Guadalupe Aguado, profesora de la UPM, ve reconocida su trayectoria profesional al dar nombre a un galardón para jóvenes investigadores

Un nuevo modelo de captura de datos permite videojuegos “superconectados”

Mariano Rico, investigador del Ontology Engineering Group, galardonado con el III premio del concurso Aporta

Tres proyectos del OEG, entre las diez mejores ideas seleccionadas por el “Desafío Aporta 2017”

Acercando la ciencia a estudiantes de secundaria y bachillerato con SlideWiki y STARS4ALL

"Todos llevamos un trocito de científico dentro”. Entrevista a Oscar Corcho

Oscar Corcho recibe el Premio Juan López de Peñalver de la Real Academia de Ingeniería

"Investigación, innovación y docencia, los tres ejes de la vida académica" discurso de agradecimiento de Asunción Gómez-Pérez

“Debemos atraer a los investigadores jóvenes a la UPM” Entrevista a Asunción Gómez-Pérez

Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Doctoral Studies of the UPM

Talk "Anytime ontology alignment in opportunistic environments" by Valentina Tamma at February, 9th

Asunción Gómez, UPM research award 2015

Miembros del OEG reciben el premio especial de Innovación "Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe Innovation Award"

Asunción Gómez-Pérez wins Ada Byron award to technologist woman 2015.


Created under Creative Commons License - 2015 OEG.