Español (spanish formal Internacional)English (United Kingdom)

Oscar Corcho recibe el Premio Juan López de Peñalver de la Real Academia de Ingeniería

La Real Academia de Ingeniería (RAIng) ha concedido el premio Juan López de Peñalver, en su séptima edición, al catedrático de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos (ETSIInf) Oscar Corcho, reconociendo así sus méritos y sus contribuciones al estudio de la Web Semántica y de la Web de Datos Enlazados, la Ingeniería Ontológica y la aplicación de tecnologías semánticas en distintos dominios, como la e-Ciencia y la Ciencia Abierta.

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"Investigación, innovación y docencia, los tres ejes de la vida académica" discurso de agradecimiento de Asunción Gómez-Pérez

Discurso de agradecimiento de Asunción Gómez-Pérez, con motivo de la entrega del premio Aritmel dentro de los Premios Nacionales de Informática 2015

Sr. Vicerrector de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Salamanca, Excelentísimo Rector de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, , Sres. Presidente y Vice-Presidente de la Sociedad Científica Informática de España, Sr. Director de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos de la UPM, Autoridades, colegas, familiares, amigos, señoras y señores.

Es para mí un gran honor recibir el Premio Aritmel 2015. Me siento muy honrada, orgullosa y feliz por el reconocimiento recibido. Quiero agradecer a la Asociación Española de Inteligencia Artificial, y a su Presidenta, por haber presentado mi candidatura, a los miembros del jurado el haberla seleccionado, y a la Sociedad Científica de Informática de España, su concesión.

Haciendo un breve recorrido por mis 25 años de profesión, me considero una persona afortunada, pues he tenido la posibilidad de combinar tres pilares en los que creo firmemente: investigación, innovación y docencia. Por un lado, la investigación lleva a la innovación, y a transferir soluciones a la industria y, a su vez, la innovación y la transferencia generan nuevos problemas de investigación a los que los investigadores debemos dar respuesta. Pero esto solo no sería universidad. Por ello, desde el principio, traté de integrar investigación, innovación y docencia en el campo de las Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial. Siempre he creído que de esta manera todas ellas se verían mutuamente beneficiadas.

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“Debemos atraer a los investigadores jóvenes a la UPM” Entrevista a Asunción Gómez-Pérez

Acaba de recoger el Premio Nacional de Informática-Aritmel 2015, por sus sobresalientes aportaciones científicas en esta disciplina, un reconocimiento que Asunción Gómez-Pérez suma a otros como el Ada Byron a la mujer tecnóloga y el Premio de Investigación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), de ese mismo año. Es catedrática del Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial y la investigadora con mayor índice de impacto en sus publicaciones de esta universidad.

Los galardones valoran los 25 años de una carrera investigadora y profesional “intensa y centrada en la investigación, la innovación y la docencia”, los tres pilares que para ella deben ser la base de la universidad pública. Firme defensora de la presencia de los jóvenes investigadores en la universidad, del papel de la mujer en la ingeniería y del trabajo en equipo, la vicerrectora de Investigación, Innovación y Doctorado de la UPM, considera que estos premios son también de su grupo de investigación y su propia familia, sin los que no hubiera podido desarrollar su carrera.

Pregunta. Su implicación con el Grupo de Investigación de Ingeniería Ontológica de la UPM es máxima, pues lo creó desde cero. ¿Cuáles son sus líneas de trabajo? ¿En qué consiste su día a día?

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Professor Asunción Gómez-Perez granted with the Aritmel National Computer Science Award 2015

Asunción Gómez- Pérez phD of the Artificial Intelligence Department of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), has been granted with the Aritmel National Computer Science Award of the Computer Science Scientific Association. This award recognizes her remarkable scientific and academic contributions in this field, focused in Ontology Engineering, Semantic Web and linked data.

Asunción Gómez- Pérez leads the Ontology Engineering Group of the UPM. Convinced that teamwork is the key of her career, she is now sharing this award with her research group. “This prize is an honour, but it is also a recognition for the job of our group. We believe in team job above individualism and we are always willing to take part in national and international challenges, hackatones and datathones with multidisciplinary teams”, she says.

The jury has also take in consideration the international projection of their research and the impact index of their papers (the highest in the UPM) in order to give her this award.

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An OEG article analyzes the European legal framework for the publication and consumption of linked data

OEG researchers have recently published a work analyzing the European legal framework for the publication and consumption of linked data.

In their paper "Legal aspects of linked data – The European framework", published by the journal Computer Law & Security Review, the readers interested on publishing or consuming linked data on the web will find all the necessary information on the legal aspects, presented in a clear, concise manner following a practical approach rich in examples.

In the paper, the authors describe how the copyright law and database rights apply to linked data as well as the meaning of the most common data licenses in use. The article also describes the impact of the recently approved General Data Protection Regulation for datasets containing personally identifiable information.

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Mobile Age, making senior citizens benefit from open government data

Mobile Age is a project that combines mobile technology and opened data to help the population of older persons of the whole Europe to design mobile applications focused on its needs and adapted to its characteristics. Diverse studies tell that this population will be 28% of the whole continent in 2020, therefore its active participation in the everyday life will be more and more necessary.

To obtain it, the project Mobile Age will create a system of participation that will allow senior citizens benefit from the production and the use of open data in its cities, following two clear targets: to explore and to implement models of access and use of the public services for old people across technologies of open data, and to develop a methodology for the creation of services for this sector of the population.

To do so, Mobile Age will develop four pilots in collaboration with public authorities across Europe: South Lakeland (UK); Bremen (Germany); Region of Central Macedonia (Greece); and Zaragoza (Spain). There, older persons themselves will decide which services they want to access, which kind of applications they would like to use, and which requirements in terms of accessibility and mobility they opt for. Each pilot site will work on a specific theme: social inclusion in Bremen; extending independent living in South Lakeland; a safe and accessible city for seniors in Zaragoza, and personal health information in Central Macedonia. Based on such decisions, the Mobile Age team will develop the requested applications and ask older persons to test them in real-life settings.

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Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Doctoral Studies of the UPM

Asunción Gómez-Pérez, director of the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG), has been nominated Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Doctoral Studies of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).

Bachelor and PhD.  in Computer Science for the Computer Science School at UPM, the current director of the OEG is Full Professor at the UPM and she has occupied the direction of the Department of Artificial Intelligence up to its current designation al Vice-Rector of the UPM.

Dr. Gómez-Pérez, that works at investigation areas as Ontological Engineering, Semantic Web, Linked Data and Multilingualism in Information has directed significant I+D+I projects from the National Plan, as well as different projects both of national and international character. One of the most recent is the first research project that uses IBM-Watson in a Spanish University –in which she is main researcher- as well as the creation and starting of the first node of Open Data Institute in Spain.

She has received the ARIMEL Award –granted in the field of National Prizes of Computer Science 2015-, the Annual Award of Research of the UPM (2015) and the award to the Best Ideas of Business XII actúaupm (2015). She has also received the National Prize Ada Byron to the Technologist Woman in its second edition (2015).


Asunción Gómez Pérez, Head of the OEG, awarded with Artimel Prize 2015

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Asunción Gómez Pérez, Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), has received the National Prize of Computer Science Aritmel 2015. The award values its task as a less tan 55 years researcher and its outsanding scientific contributions in the area of computer engineering.

Gómez Pérez is Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence at FI (UPM) and Director of the Ontology Engineering Group since 1995.


Talk "Anytime ontology alignment in opportunistic environments" by Valentina Tamma February, 9th

The next Februery, 9th at 10:00 Valentina Tamma will give the talk "Anytime ontology alignment in opportunistic environments" at room H1003 of block 1 at Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos (ETSII) of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).

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Overview of the 1st Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data

The 1st Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Data (SD-LLOD-15) took place in Cercedilla (Madrid, Spain) from 15 to 19 June 2015. It was co-organized by Jorge Gracia from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) and John McCrae from Bielefeld University (Germany) as part of the LIDER project. Its main goal was to offer persons from the industry and academia practical knowledge in the field of linked data applied to linguistics, with the final aim of allowing attendees to migrate their own (or other’s) linguistic data and publish it as Linked Data on the Web.

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Miembros del OEG reciben el premio especial de Innovación "Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe Innovation Award"

Alejandro Fernández, Óscar Corcho y Daniel Vila han recibido el premio especial de Innovación en el reto de Fujitsu Linked Open Data. El ganador ha sido seleccionado por ejecutivos europeos de Fujitsu Laboratories de entre todos los proyectos presentados. El premio valora el potencial para mejorar aspectos concretos de la sociedad y el carácter innovador centrado en las personas. El premio se ha conseguido con la iniciativa “Ciencia ciudadana y juegos con propósito para la mejora de datos abiertos y enlazados”. La iniciativa consiste en una metodología y una aplicación con la que grupos de niños aprenden jugando y forman parte de un experimento científico ayudando a la mejora de datos generados automáticamente. La aplicación concreta es un juego, llamado “Street detective”, en el que los niños tienen que ir respondiendo a una serie de preguntas para relacionar calles de su ciudad con las personas a las que están dedicadas. A medida que los niños van respondiendo a las preguntas, las calles del mapa de su ciudad se van asociando de manera interactiva a escritores, científicos, poetas, etc.

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Registration open for LD4SC-15


Open registration for the 1st Summer School on Smart Cities and Linked Open Data (LD4SC-15). Registration deadline is 15th March 2015.

The 1st Summer School on Smart Cities and Linked Open Data (LD4SC-15) will be held from June 7th to 12th 2015 at Residencia Lucas Olazábal of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in Cercedilla, a municipality of the autonomous community of Madrid in central Spain.

The LD4SC-15 summer school has the main goal of teaching people from industry and academia in an easy and guided way how to use Linked Open Data technologies in the domain of smart cities, facilitating through a simple approach a first contact with these technologies. This summer school is the first one organized in this topic worldwide and is supported by the READY4SmartCitiesFP7 Coordination and Support Action.

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Miembros del oeg consiguen mención especial en el concurso "Datos Abiertos de Castilla y León" para dispositivos móviles

Alejandro Fernández, Óscar Corcho, Miguel Angel García y Daniel Garijo consiguen una mención especial en el concurso "Datos Abiertos de Castilla y León" en la sección de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles. Esta mención se ha conseguido con la aplicación "map4rdf-iOS", versión ampliada y mejorada para dispositivos Apple de la herramienta web "map4rdf".

El concurso estaba formado por varias categorías: categorías de mejor aplicación para dispositivos móviles; mejor aplicación web o tecnológico, mejor trabajo de periodismo de datos, informe o estudio al proyecto y de mejor proyecto realizado por estudiantes.

Más información en los siguientes enlaces: enlace 1, enlace 2.


Created the "W3C Recommendation SPARQL1.1 Federated Query"

Created the "W3C Recommendation SPARQL1.1 Federated Query" on March 21, 2013 with participation of OEG, Carlos Buil-Aranda, as editor.

For further information, visit the following link.


Daniel Vila Suero impartirá el seminario web LOD@AIMS

Daniel Vila Suero impartirá el seminario web LOD@AIMS, titulado "Linked Data: ¿qué es y qué nos ofrece?" y organizado por la FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) de las Naciones Unidas

La sesión tendrá lugar el 11 de diciembre de 2012 - 16:00 Hora de Roma - y será presentado por Daniel Vila, miembro del Ontology Engineering Group de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España).

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3rd Best Paper Award for OEG members at SEKE2012 conference

A paper by OEG members Filip Radulovic and Raúl García Castro, titled "Semantic Technology Recommendation Based on the Analytic Network Process"  has been awarded the 3rd Best Paper Award at the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2012), which was held from the 1st to the 3rd of July in Redwood City, California, USA.

Abstract: Semantic technologies have become widely adopted in recent years, and choosing the right technologies for the problems that users face is often a difficult task. This paper presents an application of the Analytic Network Process for the recommendation of semantic technologies, which is based on a quality model for semantic technologies. Instead of relying on expert-based comparisons of alternatives, the comparisons in our framework depend on real evaluation results. Furthermore, the recommendations in our framework derive from user quality requirements, which leads to better recommendations tailored to users' needs. This paper also presents an algorithm for pairwise comparisons, which is based on user quality requirements and evaluation results.

Philipp Cimiano gives Statistical Natural Language Processing Seminar

Monday to Friday from 15-17h seminar course S13: Statistical Natural Language Processing by Professor Philipp Cimiano, Full Professor for Computer Science at the Faculty of Technology of the University of Bielefeld and Head of the Semantic Computing Group at the Cognitive Interaction Technology Excellence Center (CITEC)

Further information here.

OEG presents initiative

The Ontology Engineering Group, within the context of its Linked Data projects, is pleased to announce that the initiative has been launched. is an initiative of the Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE) whose aim is to enrich the Semantic Web with library data. The SPARQL endpoint is available in the following link.

The RDF generation from MARC 21 records was done using our tool MARiMbA, which allows non-technical users to work on the mappings from MARC21 metadata to RDF using different RDFS/OWL vocabularies.

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Datos enlazados en la Biblioteca Nacional de España

El día 14 de diciembre, a las 13:30, en el salón de actos de la BNE, presentarán esta iniciativa: Asunción Gómez-Pérez, catedrática de la UPM, Daniel Vila-Suero, jefe de Proyecto, UPM, Ricardo Santos, jefe de la Sección de Autoridades y Ana Manchado Mangas, jefa del Servicio de Proyectos Bibliográficos. Se contará asimismo con la inestimable participación de Gordon Dunsire, presidente del IFLA Namespace Group.

Más información sobre esta noticia aparecida en el tablón de anuncios de la Facultad de Informática el siguiente enlace.

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Inmaculada Álvarez de Mon abrió el ciclo de conferencias New Trends in English Studies VII en La Coruña

El 7 de noviembre de 2011, Inmaculada Álvarez de Mon impartió la conferencia  "When linguistics and computers meet: interdisciplinary research" que abrió el ciclo de conferencias "New Trends in English Studies VII, de la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de La Coruña.

Más información el enlace a las noticias de la Universidad  y el recorte que apareció en la prensa local.

Óscar Corcho abre las IV Jornadas de Ingeniería de Software de la ULL

El edificio de las facultades de Física y Matemáticas de la Universidad de La Laguna acogió el 10 y 11 de noviembre, las IV Jornadas de Ingeniería de Software. La primera ponencia corrió a cargo de Óscar Corcho, de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, quien habló sobre las oportunidades y peligros que supone el nuevo concepto de web de datos. Se trata de la evolución de las actuales páginas de Internet, y facilita el acceso de los ciudadanos a la información de las instituciones, lo cual, a su juicio, redundará en una mejora de su transparencia y productividad.

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A Provenance-Aware Linked Data Application for Trip Management and Organization

Daniel Garijo, Boris Villazón and Oscar Corcho, A Provenance-Aware Linked Data Application for Trip Management and Organization, at the The voice of Semantic Web Business.

Read the whole article at the link.



OEG presents an article at the DC-2011 conference (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative)

The Ontology Engineering Group presented an article at the international DC-2011 conference organized by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. The article is co-authored by OEG members (Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, Daniel Vila-Suero, Boris Villazón-Terrazas and Asunción Gómez-Perez), together with Elena Escolano Rodríguez, Chief of the Service of Coordination and Standardization of the National Library of Spain (Biblioteca Nacional de España) and Gordon Dunsire, member of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) for the creation of library standards.

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OEG receives two awards at international conference I-SEMANTICS 2011

El Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) ha recibido dos premios en la conferencia internacional I-SEMANTICS 2011 celebrada del 7 al 9 de septiembre en Graz (Austria).

El primer premio se obtuvo en la open track del Triplification Challenge 2011, que cada año organiza la citada conferencia para premiar la aplicación más prometedora en el campo de Linked Data. El año pasado, el OEG ya había quedado finalista en esta competición.

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Daniel Vila Suero published at the IFLA

Daniel Vila Suero from the Ontology Engineering Group of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Elena Escolano Rodríguez from the Spanish National Library (Biblioteca Nacional de España, BNE) published at the SCATNews - Newsletter of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section a short paper entitled “Linked Data at the Spanish National Library and the Application of IFLA RDFS Models”. Further information at the link.

Informe Final del W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator

On June 28, 2011, the  W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group has published their final report. Óscar Corcho and  Raúl García-Castro members of the OEG group, an active member of the W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator, have actively participated in the creation of this report. More information on the link.

This publication is part of the Incubator Activity, a forum where W3C Members can innovate and experiment. This work is not on the W3C standards track.


Further information at this link.


Two OEG papers at SEKE 2011

Two papers written by members of the group will be presented at the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011), a CORE B conference that will be held in Miami Beach, USA from July 7th to July 9th. The papers are "Extending Software Quality Models - A Sample In The Semantic Technologies Domain", written by Filip Radulovic and Raúl García Castro, and "SET-MM - A Software Evaluation Technology Maturity Model", written by Raúl García Castro.

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Three OEG papers at ESWC 2011

Three papers written by members of the group were presented at the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2011) held in Heraklion, Greece from May 29th to June 2nd. The articles are "Semantics and optimization of the SPARQL 1.1 federation extension", "Lightweight Semantic Annotation of Geospatial RESTful Services" and "A Semantically Enabled Service Architecture for Mashups over Streaming and Stored Data".

OEG members have participated in both articles, Carlos Buil and Oscar Corcho in the first one, Víctor Saquicela, Luis Manuel Vilches and Oscar Corcho in the second one and  Raúl García-Castro, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Oscar Corcho and Asunción Gómez-Pérez in the third one.

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OEG announces a benchmark for benchmarking federated SPARQL query applications

A benchmark has been designed by the OEG to test the federated SPARQL query extension that is being proposed as part of the W3C SPARQL working group. It uses queries that have to be executed across several of the Bio2RDF endpoints, and comply with problems that have been validated by Biology domain experts. The benchmark covers a range of incrementally complex queries from a basic query, and more details can be found in the paper listed at the bottom of the page.

For further information, please visit the following link.



Released geometry2rdf

The GeoLinkedData Initiative is happy to announce the release of geometry2rdf. geometry2rdf is a library for generating RDF from geometrical information (Points, LineStrings and Polygons).

For further information, visit the geometry2rdf portal website (alternative link).



Elena Montiel-Ponsoda defends her PhD thesis

Elena Montiel-Ponsoda defends her PhD thesis, "Multilingualism in Ontologies - Multilingual Lexico-Syntactic Patterns for Ontology Modeling and Linguistic Information Repository for Ontology Localization". The defense will take place on January 24th at 10:30 in the Sala de Grados of the ETSI Montes in Ciudad Universitaria.

You can download a copy of the thesis in the following link.


The OEG co-organizes the IWEST 2010 workshop within ISWC 2010

The OEG co-organized the International WorkshopInternational Workshop on Evaluation of Semantic Technologies (IWEST 2010) that was held on Novembre 8th at the 9th edtion of the Internation Semanctic Web Conference (ISWC 2010).

IWEST workshop aims were twofold: (1) to discuss the current trends and future challenges of evaluating semantic technologies, and (2) to support communication and collaboration with the goal of aligning the various evaluation efforts within the community and accelerating innovation in all the associated fields as has been the case with both the TREC benchmarks in information retrieval and the TPC benchmarks in database research.

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La directora del OEG, Asunción Gómez Pérez, galardonada con el Premio Aritmel 2015

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Asunción Gómez Pérez, Catedrática del Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), ha recibido el Premio Aritmel 2015, con el que se valora su tarea como investigadora, menor de 55 años, y sus sobresalientes aportaciones científicas en el área de la ingeniería informática.

Gómez Pérez es directora del Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial de la Facultad de Informática de la UPM, y lleva la dirección del Ontology Engineering Group desde el año 1995.


Asunción Gómez, Premio UPM de Investigación 2015

Es una de las tres mujeres investigadoras de mayor éxito e influencia en temas de semántica a nivel mundial. Es Asunción Gómez Pérez, catedrática de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), galardonada con el Premio UPM de Investigación 2015.

asuncionEl premio es un reconocimiento al trabajo desarrollado por esta profesora, directora del  Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial de la UPM y madre de tres hijos, a lo largo de más de veinte años de experiencia investigadora y docente en las áreas de ingeniería ontológica, web semántica y datos enlazados.

Lea la noticia completa aquí.


Overview of the 1st Summer School on Smart Cities and Linked Open Data

The 1st Summer School on Smart Cities and Linked Open Data (LD4SC 2015) was held in an excellent conference facility belonging to the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, in the Sierra de Guadarrama Mountains about 50 km from Madrid. While the school was fully organized by the READY4SmartCities project, there was another H2020 European project (SWIMing) that sponsored the school.

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Asunción Gómez-Pérez wins Ada Byron award to technologist woman 2015

Asunción Gómez-Pérez has been awarded with Ada Byron award to technologist woman 2015 awarded by the Faculty of Engineering at Deusto University. The award seeks to highlight the work of professionals in the technology sector that quietly and increasingly are providing significant progress in many areas. The name of the award is a tribute to Ada Byron (Ada Lovelace), one of the most important in the history of engineering, recognized as the first computer programmer women. The aim is to give visibility to real women (often unnoticed by the media) to serve as models and encouragement for girls and young people today.

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OEG in sixth position in UPM research groups ranking

El OEG se encuentra en la sexta posición del ranking de grupos de investigación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Este ranking está formado por 200 grupos de todas las especialidades que se imparten en la universidad. El grupo escala posiciones respecto al año pasado, estando entre los 10 primeros grupos en tres de los cinco apartados calificados: generación de recursos (6), formación y movilidad (3) y difusión (8).


Herramienta Global Monitoring System permite monitorizar los servicios de cloud computing

Observar el comportamiento de los sistemas informáticos que hacen posible la computación en la nube (cloud computing, en inglés). Es lo que permite una herramienta desarrollada por Jesús Montes Sánchez, un joven investigador y científico de la computación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), bajo la coordinación de los profesores María S. Pérez Hernández y Alberto Sánchez Campos, este último de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

La herramienta, bautizada como Gmone (acrónimo de Global Monitoring System), monitoriza de manera eficiente y detallada un entorno cloud que comparten millones de personas, como los que proporcionan los gigantes de la red Google y Amazon. En las pruebas experimentales, esta herramienta ha mostrado su superioridad frente a las principales alternativas actuales, como Amazon Cloudwatch y el sistema de monitorización de Open Nebula, indica Montes.

Para conseguir los resultados que Gmone proporciona, el equipo de investigación se planteó en un principio profundizar en los problemas que la monitorización de los sistemas cloud tiene. Este campo de investigación, muy de moda en la actualidad, no contaba con estudios teóricos generales previos que permitieran enfrentarse al problema en su conjunto.

Puede leer la noticia completa en el siguiente enlace.


Luis Manuel Vilches receives Outstanding Award for her PhD Thesis

Luis Manuel Vilches has received an Outstanding Award granted by the Commission on Graduate Doctorate from the UPM. We must also congratulate Óscar Corcho and Miguel Ángel Bernabé Poveda, co-directors of his PhD Thesis, called "Metodología para la integración basada en ontologías de información de bases de datos heterogéneas en el dominio hidrográfico".


El OEG en las acciones formativas de

El OEG, representado por Asunción Gómez-Pérez y Óscar Corcho, han impartido un curso sobre Linked Data en las acciones formativas de que ha llevado a cabo la entidad pública empresarial El curso, de cuatro horas, ha estado dividido en los siguientes puntos: 1) principios básicos de la web semántica, 2) RDF, RDF(S) y SPARQL, 3) vocabularios y 4) herramientas de publicación de datos para portales de datos abiertos.

Para más información, se puede consultar el siguiente enlace.


Ontology Engineering in a Networked World

The book entitled “Ontology Engineering in a Networked World”, whose editors are Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Enrico Motta, and Aldo Gangemi, is now available.

The book is published by Springer and the details can be found at


Daniel Vila presents at the "II Jornada sobre reutilización de la información del sector público"

Daniel Vila presents today, February 15th, 2012, the collaboration project with the Spanish National Library. Also, he will presents some Linked Data initiatives carried out in our group, like GeoLinked Data.

This presentation is part of the "II Jornada sobre reutilización de la información del sector público" (February, 15th-16th). The presentation will take place from 12:00 to 12:30 in the Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación de Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). The complete program is available in the following link.


Mari Carmen Suárez de Figueroa Baonza receives Outstanding Award for her PhD Thesis

Mari Carmen Suárez de Figueroa Baonza has received an Outstanding Award granted by the Commission on Graduate Doctorate from the UPM. We must also congratulate Asunción Gómez Pérez and Mariano Fernández López, co-directors of her PhD Thesis, and María S. Pérez Hernández that is the co-director of another of the winners.

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Luis M. Vilches participa en la Semana de la Ciencia 2011

La Delegación Territorial del Colegio de Geógrafos en Madrid invita a Luis M. Vilches a participar en las diferentes actividades celebradas en la Semana de la Ciencia 2011. En el contexto de estas actividades se difunden las iniciativas relacionadas con Linked Data geoespacial (GeoLinked Data, AEMET y ElViajero) desarrolladas por el Ontology Engineering Group.

Más información a cerca de la noticia en el enlace  y en Facebook.

Entrevista a Luis M. Vilches en el contexto de las II Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (JIIDE)

La segunda convocatoria de las II Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (JIIDE) tuvo lugar en Barcelona, en los dias 9,10 y 11 de Noviembre, bajo el lema: INTEROPERABILIDAD INTERADMINISTRATIVA EN EL MARCO INSPIRE. Luis M. Vilches participó activamente en varias de las actividades realizadas y como muestra de ello fe entrevistado. Enlace a la entrevista.

Ontology Engineering: Book announcement

We are pleased to announce that the book entitled “Ontology Engineering in a Networked World”, whose editors are Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Enrico Motta, and Aldo Gangemi, is going to be published by Springer in 2012.

You can find book details at


Semantic Workflows for Large-Scale Scientific Data Analysis Conference

Day: 10 de octubre de 2011
Room: H1002
Time: 12:00 am
Place:  Facultad de Informática, UPM

Title: "Semantic Workflows for Large-Scale Scientific Data Analysis"
Speaker: Yolanda Gil ( Information Sciences Institute and Department of Computer Science University of Southern California

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Elena Montiel-Ponsoda co-organizes the second edition of the Multilingual Semantic Web workshop at the ISWC 2011

The Ontology Engineering Group member Elena Montiel-Ponsoda co-organizes the second edition of the Multilingual Semantic Web workshop together with John McCrae (Semantic Computing Group, Bielefeld University), Philipp Cimiano (Semantic Computing Group, Bielefeld University) and Paul Buitelaar (DERI-National University of Ireland). The workshop will be co-located with the International Semantic Web Conference 2011 (ISWC 2011) to be held in Bonn, Germany (October, 23rd - 27th). The programme of the workshop as well as the papers accepted for presentation are available at the workshop web page and the conference web page.



El Viajero Linked Data wins the Open Track in the Triplification Challenge 2011

We are please to announce that the members of  Spanish Project Web N+1 won the Open Track in the Triplification Challenge 2011. In the work presented, "A Provenance-Aware Linked Data Application for Trip Management and Organization", have participated the following OEG's members: Daniel Garijo, Boris Villazón-Terrazas, and Oscar Corcho.

For further information about the result of the Triplification Challenge 2011, please visit the following link.



A new semantic model improves mobile telephone user experience

OEG's members have developed the mIO! ontology network. The aim of this network is to improve the mobile phone user experience, enabling the terminal to be used as a more reliable source of contextual information related to user tastes and preferences, social relations, services and environment.

The ontology network includes local information on the user (position, date), environment (temperature, luminosity), entertainment (theatre, sport), and social information (list of friends, agenda). It also includes information about the services that users can produce and/or consume (availability, price), as well as on the devices they use (battery, cover).

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Luis Manuel Vilches Blázquez defends his PhD thesis

Luis Manuel Vilches Blázquez defends his PhD thesis "Metodología para la integración basada en ontologías de la información de bases de datos heterogéneas en el dominio hidrográfico". The defense will take place on May 19th at 16:00 in the Sala de Audiovisuales of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.



Boris Villazón-Terrazas defends his PhD thesis

Boris Villazón-Terrazas defends his PhD thesis "A Method for Reusing and Re-engineering Non-Ontological Resources for Building Ontologies". The defense will take place on April 14th at 10:30 in the Sala de Grados of the Facultad de Informática at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

The thesis is available for its download in the following link.


The OGSA-DAI project have released version 4.1 of its software

OGSA-DAI is a customisable framework for the management of distributed data resources - whether these be databases, files or other types of data - via web services. OGSA-DAI provides a workflow engine for the execution of data access, update, transformation, federation, processing and delivery scenarios. It also provides a powerful distributed query processor allowing SQL queries to be targeted across distributed databases.

Among other new features OGSA-DAI 4.1 now supports RDF data resources which allow querying of Jena SDB databases and SPARQL endpoints using SPARQL, developed by Carlos Buil-Aranda, from the Ontology Engineering Group.

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Released map4rdf

The GeoLinkedData Initiative is happy to announce the release of map4rdf. map4rdf is a mapping and faceted browsing tool for exploring and visualizing RDF datasets enhanced with geometrical Information.

For further information, visit the map4rdf portal website (alternative link).


Carlos Buil developes the SPARQL-DQP system

We announce that Carlos Buil, member of the OEG, has developed the SPARQL-DQP system. This system implements the SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query extension, by extending the OGSA-DAI/DQP system. The optimisation of these federated queries is done in SPARQL-DQP by identifying well-designed patterns in queries. Using such patterns it is possible to apply rewriting rules to federated SPARQL queries and improve the execution time of the queries.

The code and an online demo will be soon available.



Two OEG papers at ISWC 2010

Two papers written by members of the group were presented at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2010) held in Shanghai, China from November 7th to 11th. The articles are "Semantic Techniques for Enabling Knowledge Reuse in Conceptual Modelling" by Jorge Gracia del Río and "Enabling Ontology-based Access to Streaming Data Sources" by Jean-Paul Calbimonte.

OEG members have participated in both articles, Asunción Gómez-Pérez and Esther Lozano in the first one and Óscar Corcho in both of them.

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The OEG participates in the WOP 2010 within the ISWC 2010

This year the Second Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP 2010) co-located at ISWC 2010 takes place in Shanghai (China). There, the OEG team presents some work related to ODPs research at the research papers track and the pattern session.

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